Howdy Julie,
I hope all's well. I'm just getting in touch to ask if you're in need of any freelance writing at The Eyes of My Eyes are Opened - if so, it'd be an honor to help out and I would love to get involved if you have any need for me.

It seems that I have been neglecting this blog. Yes, stranger, freelance writer woman! Go ahead! Here are some posts that I'd like you to write for me:

How driving is similar to raising small children.

Mother's Day- The Agony and The Ecstasy.

Meazi's Music- How Meazi's favorite songs are always deeply related to what is going on with her.

Melese- Preschool, What is it good for? Absolutely Nothin'. Say it Again?

Unexpected Gifts- A Photo from Ethiopia and how it changes everything.

Ok, that's it. Which one should I have her write?