My Second Love is a blog dedicated to my favorite artist, clothing, Interior Design and accessories they wear.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I don't have any more journal entries. We got to have the kidlets with us at the guest house for a half a day on this Monday. I guess I stopped writing.
We spent time looking through the photo album, and Meazi played her voice recorder.
After lunch the kids went back to the care center and we went off on a tour.
We saw some of the projects that CHSFS contributes to...
Pediatric ICU.
Convention center.
Then we went to the museum to look at stuff in the dark (power was out).
I, of course, acted very respectfully and didn't make any crude jokes...
The World's two oldest women...
I started a campaign for coffee on the bus, and Ato Girma finally relented...
Dear Ethiopia, in case I haven't mentioned it before, thank you for the gift of coffee. It is the single most important part of my parenting plan. Dear coffee, there is no me without you.
Later that evening, all of the families went out for dinner.
Steven later told me that my shoulders did not move at all during the dance attempt. Luckily, there is no picture. That is Jeff. His shoulders moved.
I also, serendipitously, ended up sitting next to a woman many of my facebook friends told me I had to meet if I could. Fellow adoptive mama Julie...
They just happened to be having dinner at the next table.