Playroom Inspiration

Leta Austin Foster 

Miles Redd

Ugh I've been thinking about this playroom since January y'all! Now I have less than a month until Edward turns 1 and a family room that is overrun with toys and it's time to make some moves.  The problem: I would like the room to look like one of the rooms above, which is probs not happenin'.  Sigh...

This was my original moodboard.

I still like it, but I'm too lazy to paint the walls, which are currently a pale blue color from Restoration Hardware.  I also think I need to bring in more bright colors, since it is Edward's playroom and not my own personal sanctuary.

Me and Katy B. in her awesome playroom circa 1983! 

The good news: Kip and I moved all of the stuff out of there this weekend so I pretty much have a blank canvas.  I'll be interested to see how it comes together.  Of course, I'll share it with y'all when it's up to par, which may be next year ;)
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