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Michael S. Smith |
That's my time-out chair.
I had a momentary freak-out on my Facebook page. Then I realized I would look super cray cray to my new friends when I commented 25 more times on my own status. So rather than stop the insanity, I decided to bring it over here for the rest of y'all.
I'm panicking about the move. Not really full-on panicking, just sort of freaking out.
I'm pretty sure this started with the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I felt incredible anxiety watching the riveting season finale.*
* I'm still not sure what to believe. Apparently half of them were strippers, but I mean, strippers are probably nice people, too. Who's to judge besides Theresa, who's never been a stripper, but likes to let it slip when she know you were. No one's ever accused me of being a stripper so I don't really know how it feels. I guess I'd be mad, but then I'd be like "sooo you're saying I'm skinny?" and taking it as a compliment. Wow, what is happening here. Why am I talking about strippers. Oh yes, my anxiety.
I never have anxiety (except when I'm flying). I'm usually like whatevs, we'll get it done, let's open some champagne. But, no, I'm sitting here in bed thinking things like what if the packers have to call in reinforcements because I'm exhibiting some hoarding qualities, or what if they judge me for having too many toys for Edward? Why do I care? OR OR what if they pack the bananas? maybe it's an accident. Maybe Edward put a half-eaten banana in the sock drawer and then it sits on the truck for 10 days and our whole house smells like a rotten banana. What other things has Edward hidden? Sandwiches? They can show up anywhere in this house!
But then my friend Paige left the following comment: "It's exciting to move! Forget being judged - who cares! :)" She so right. She knows how to calm a lady down. She's a wedding planner, and planned my beautiful blue and white wedding, and always knows how to look on the bright side. I will shamelessly promote her day and night because she's the best and that one little comment made me instantly relax and put things in perspective. (Find her here Paige Chenault Events)
This is exciting y'all! I'm moving!
So no more anxiety about packed bananas and judgey movers.
Let's do this!
Where's my champagne?