Sunday Garden Tour...a day, and a couple of months late...

Meazi and her daddy talked about all of the things they'd like to grow in the Habesha garden this year. We hit the Home Depot and got some plants, and some seeds.

I was overcome with emotion as Meazi scattered Tef, or 'Tef-fa' as she calls it. It was obvious that she had done this before in Ethiopia.

Melese mentioned that we already had asparagus. Not for long I fear. The neighborhood cats have been feasting on the asparagus plants every morning.

I can't show you the rest of the pictures from that first planting day. Meazi stripped down, stripped Melese, and chucked his diaper over the neighbor's fence. They played in the dirt, and then in the mud after we watered everything. They had a blast, but I am afraid we got so carried away that we washed away many of our new plants. It was worth it. Daddy retrieved the diaper.

We had a preliminary honey harvest a few weeks ago...

And a gigantic one yesterday...

Meazi harvested some Chamomile. She loves Chamomile tea.

Meazi and her Tef-fa...


So sweet!

We could have planted weeds out there. It didn't matter. I was just so happy to have the two of them with us.

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