The Suzeday Files: Outside

Because there are no days in Susie's world, just dreams....

Again, I have no clue what that means, but it works so we're going with it.  The Suze has handed over another batch of photos that she calls "Outside." Here we go!

Park your fine automobile in this driveway (ugly ones park in back please) 

In front of a french country exterior like this (which could easily be done to our house)

With shutters and a rooftop fence for the flat roof (if it doesn't go as per the sketch above) 

And a walkway like this (notice the private paparazzi shrubs to the left) 

or walk around the side of the house to the back 

and behind this gate 

or this gate 

you may find a jewel-box garden (or as The Suze calls it a Secret Garden because she can't remember jewel-box) 

With a wrought iron screen 

Then head over to the blue-stone patio 

Where you can enjoy a fabulous home-cooked meal and a Suzicle (the drink named after The Suze by some TCU SAEs) or her fave, champagne 

And when you're good and buzzed you can take these stairs ... to somewhere ... probably fabulous.

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