Sunday Garden Tour

The Return of the Sunday Garden Tour.
Meazi is watering her grape tree and Melese's Lilac tree. Melese is trying to fix my Flip camera.

We have a blueberry!

And some lettuce...

Sweet peas...

Waiting on the strawberries...

Beer! Er, I mean hops...


Asparagus? I think?

A wee squash...

Wine! Er, I mean grapes!

A lone blackberry...

Coriander up the wazoo...



Would you like that baked, mashed, or minuscule? Our lone potato. Ted has got his eye on it.

Flip still out of order...

Cherry tree, flanked by two strawberry plants...

Disclaimer: Usually not a fan of monkey clothes for our kidlets, but make exceptions for pj gifts from Nana.

Thank you bees. Really makes up for the lack of French fries.
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